Call of Duty: Warzone Game Review

December 10, 2021 By Rose Black 2751
Call of Duty Warzone Game Review
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Warzone is an online multiplayer shooter game that combines elements of third-person shooters and battle royale games. It was released by Sledgehammer Games, and it is only accessible through Facebook.

I will give a review of Call of Duty: WarZone by describing its gameplay, mechanics, characters, and plot. I will also compare this to other titles as well. This was my first time playing Call of Duty: War Zone and the next time I play it I will describe what improvements are made in comparison to previous CoD games.

I gave my opinion on the video review below without providing spoilers for you guys!

Call of Duty: Warzone Gameplay Review

When we start up the game it takes us directly into the lobby. The lobby allows players to get ready for war. Here they can customize their loadout with whatever gear or weapons they choose to use while making sure they have enough ammo. The options here allow them to adjust things like sensitivity, movement speed, aim to assist, and much more. This lets them find a good balance between all the different features of the game.

Once you have set everything up click on your name in the top left corner of the screen to head back to the matchmaking menu. Here you can make a custom playlist where you create a list of matches you want to play in such a way that they fit your taste.

For example, I really liked the Blackout Mode from Black Ops III so once I saw it was available here I added it to my custom playlist. There is also the option to join random/ranked matches which are created based on leaderboard scores. All these new modes take some getting used to because there are many little things you can do in coop mode that aren’t possible in solo mode.

Now that you have selected a type of match to play there is always the option to watch your friends go at it. Watching others fight each other is fascinating to me and I hope it is to you too. After watching one player win the game it’s now time to jump right in and get started. You don’t have to wait long before you are matched against another team. Although, if you play on PC there is a slight delay when joining into a game. But if you are not using a PC then you won’t experience anything.

Once the game begins players will be given a quick introduction about how the game works. During the intro, you will learn how to move, shoot and throw grenades. Also, there are a few tutorials designed to teach you how to manage your loadout.

So far I am pretty impressed with Call of Duty: Warzone’s gameplay. Especially compared to Black Ops 4 which wasn’t exactly the best CoD title ever. Even though, the game does feel quite similar to that one. However, I would say this one is still better than Blackout Mode since it has fewer bugs.

Call of Duty: WarZone Characters and Plot

Call of Duty Warzone

The main character of this game is called Kaidan Alenko who is a soldier in a secret military organization who is sent out to Earth to investigate anomalies happening to civilians on earth. It turns out aliens are attacking them but he finds out the real reason behind it.

There are three other playable characters in the game. They are named Jack Morrison, Alex Mason, and Mark Jameson. Each character plays differently. All of them work together and they are all very fun to play with.

But the story isn’t what makes this game great. It’s the multiplayer part of it. I know that sounds weird considering that’s the only thing people care about when playing games. But, the actual campaign doesn’t matter as much as how well it supports multiplayer. If it doesn’t support multiplayer well it’s just a waste of money. So, luckily for me, this game supports it extremely well.

Call Of Duty: Warzone Multiplayer Map Pack 2 Storyline

It seems the main storyline is centered around aliens trying to invade our planet. The main antagonist of the series is called Hormuz. He is the ruler of an alien race called Vekta. In order to save his homeworld, the Vektans invade Earth by sending over hundreds of thousands of ships through wormhole portals scattered throughout space. These fleets of ships contain warriors known as “Shardbots”. Each shardbot contains a clone of the warrior that has been altered through genetic engineering in a way that gives it superior abilities compared to humans.

But due to the fact that the shardbots came from outer space, they lack any kind of morality. This means they can kill anyone without remorse. Their goal is to destroy everything until no living creature remains on Earth.

When the shardbots attack every human city they start up massive wars between the two species. As soon as they arrive on Earth they begin their invasion.

The first map pack was created when the game was originally released back in 2019. Then later in 2020, we got a second map pack. Both map packs had three new maps. Two of the new maps were called “Desert Strike” and “Omega”. The third map was called “Rendezvous”, both Desert Strike and Rendezvous were set in Africa. Omega was set in Vietnam.

All of these five new maps are awesome. There are some really unique locations and themes within each one. Some of them even have cool names like “Hades” or “Spartan Outpost”. The overall look of each map is also something worth mentioning. Every single one has a nice environment and the detail is incredible.

I love seeing a lot of effort put into creating a detailed environment. For example, I love looking at the beautiful scenery when I am flying in my plane over a desert battlefield. Also, there are always a few good surprises inside each battle where you might find things like cool vehicles or weapons lying around which will help you win.

If you are reading this review then you probably already know what your next question should be: What are the pros/cons? Well, let’s get right into those.

Call of Duty: Warzone Pros & Cons


  • Good graphics
  • Cool environments
  • A decent amount of different types of guns and vehicles
  • Lots of different weapons and grenades


  • Not many features, especially if you want to make custom weapons and items
  • No destructible objects, so I don’t think the game will last long because there won’t be anything left to blow up with
  • Very easy controls, sometimes I can’t do anything cause I’m not moving fast enough
  • Sometimes the AI players aren’t friendly either


As far as cons go I would say the AI could use some improvement. They’re not very smart. When you spawn close to a group of enemies then there’s no guarantee that whenever they run away they actually leave you alone. You never know whether or not they’re going to come back and shoot at you again. So if you happen to walk up behind somebody while they’re shooting at someone else then they might just shoot you too.

On top of that, there are certain areas where you need to travel through several places before you reach your end goal. If you get stuck somewhere along the way then you’ll just have to wait for other people to finish whatever mission they’re on. And since the NPCs don’t seem to mind leaving you to die it makes things even more annoying. It’s unfortunate but that’s how it goes!

So overall I would rate the game 4 out 5 stars because the graphics are great and the gameplay isn’t bad.